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Year Honored
Phyllis D Shelley
Mid-Mo Ambulance District
Agency City
Agency State
Last Call
Cause of Death
Ambulance Involved MVC
"We go forth into the world, not knowing what trials may await us in our journey through life. Let us not be dismayed, as our Heavenly Father has promised to strengthen and uphold us by the right hand of his power." As a Past Matron and Past District Deputy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Phyllis D. Shelley recited these words many times. On December 14, 1987, she was unaware of how true they proved to be.<br /> <br /> At 6:00 a.m. the ground was clear and there was no indication of bad weather approaching as Phyllis kissed her husband goodbye for the last time. By 9:00 a.m. there were 4 inches of snow and by noon the snow was over 8 inches deep. Heading to an accident caused by the unpredicted storm, Phyllis, age 41, lost control of the ambulance on the snow covered s-curves of Highway 50. She was later pronounced dead from her injuries at Charles E. Still Hospital in Jefferson City, Missouri, 35 miles away. "Mrs. Shelley was considered by her supervisor to be the best driver we had," stated Jim Bowers, spokesman for the California, Missouri based Mid-Missouri Ambulance District.<br /> <br /> "Mrs. Shelley was known as everyone's friend and a friend to all. Working on an ambulance and helping other people was a part of her life. Phyllis was one of the most dedicated EMTs that I ever worked with," stated Lloyd Fulks, Supervisor with Mid-Missouri. "We have truly lost one of our family."<br /> <br /> Her husband G. R. Shelley, and daughter Phyllis Leneen Shelley, survive Phyllis Dene Shelley.<br /> <br /> Honored 2001