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Year Honored
Alfred D Edgar
Spokane Ambulance
Agency City
Agency State
Last Call
Cause of Death
Ambulance Involved MVC
Emergency crews were in mourning as they learned of the ambulance crash that had claimed the lives of LifeFleet driver, Alfred "Dave" Edgar and his patient. January 3, 1992 blackened the calendar as the company's first employee fatality in the service's 35-year history.<br /> <br /> Falling snow had grounded air ambulances, so EMT Dave Edgar was asked to transport O. Knoles from the Lincoln Hospital in Davenport to Spokane for needed treatment. Edgar was driving the Dodge ambulance about four miles east of Davenport with lights flashing when a westbound tractor-trailer jackknifed on the icy road. "Unit 25" struck the empty rig, killing 49- year old Edgar and his patient instantly. The 25-year-old paramedic caring for the patient suffered a broken leg and massive head injuries. The truck driver was not injured.<br /> <br /> Edgar, who had worked five years for LifeFleet, had that day received a Christmas card from a teenage patient he had helped save from an overdose last summer."Thank yous are rare for ambulance personnel," a co-worker said."He was carrying the card around like a badge of honor."<br /> <br /> Prior to his full-time employment with Spokane Ambulance, he served as a volunteer EMT and CPR instructor on his community's ambulance service. During his tenure with Spokane Ambulance, Dave Edgar could often be found assisting with the numerous EMT training classes. Dave Edgar left a wife, Donna, and five children.<br /> <br /> Honored 1997