2019 National EMS Memorial Service Program

The purpose of the National EMS Memorial Service is to honor and remember those Emergency Medical Services personnel who have given their lives in the line-of-duty and to recognize the Ultimate Sacrifice they have made for their fellow human beings.

Never Forgotten Honorees for the annual service typically died in the calendar year preceding the service year. Some honorees’ deaths occurred prior to this but were only recently classified as occurring in the line-of-duty, or only recently brought to the attention of the National EMS Memorial Service, and therefore, are now being honored.

During the service, a family member or agency representative will be presented with a United States flag, which has flown over the United States Capitol, on behalf of a grateful nation and denoting the honoree’s service to their country; a white rose representing their undying love and a medallion signifying their eternal memory are also presented.

Each person being recognized is also represented by his or her state flag. After the reading of the Honorees’ names, there will be a National Moment of Silence. The names of those who are honored today appear on the newly minted 2019 “Tree of Life,” the temporary National EMS Memorial.

Click here to download the 2019 NEMSMS Program